La topografía mística de los Santos Lugares en la versión de Paula (San Jerónimo, Epist. 46, 58, 108)


  • Elena Conde Guerri


In testimonies of Paula and other women belonging to Saint Jerome's


«Athenaeum», even in testimonies of the exegete himself (Jerome), every mention or detailed contemplation of the most meaningful places as cradle of the historical Christianity are peculiar. They don't aspire to make an essentially archaeological description as source of the paleo-Christian art, nor confirm the change of a society which at the end of the 4th century was already aware of the impact caused by the pilgrimages. Though contents of the mentioned letters could be assimilated to one odoiporia, in my opinion it is the aim neither of sender nor of recipients. The reality of the historical facts, and the typical accuracy for the topoi are deliberately overcome by passionate experience and mystical contemplation, that consider these places as a vivid iconography of the Salvation. On the other hand, Saint Jerome's lucid perception of the role Christian and educated aristocrats could play in that historical moment persuade him to advise or reject a pilgrimage to Holy Land depending on sex, family conditions or abilities in every case.


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Author Biography

Elena Conde Guerri

Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Conde Guerri, E. (2006). La topografía mística de los Santos Lugares en la versión de Paula (San Jerónimo, Epist. 46, 58, 108). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 295–307. Retrieved from