El yacimiento de Casa Moya (Puebla de D. Fadrique, Granada)


  • J. Fernández Palmeiro
  • D. Serrano Várez
Keywords: romanization, latter roman, late roman, republican, settlement


This research presents some materials from a small site located at Puebla de D. Fadrique (Granada). They show an interesting intercultural superposition, which ranges from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. It emphasizes the roman presence that covers from the Republic ti-mes to the latter Roman period. This fact helps understanding how both the settlement and the Romanization process took place in the area.


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How to Cite
Fernández Palmeiro, J. ., & Serrano Várez, D. (2003). El yacimiento de Casa Moya (Puebla de D. Fadrique, Granada). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (20), 475–537. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/389121