The pool at Bethesda in Jerusalem, a place of healing


  • Guadalupe López Monteagudo
Keywords: healing waters, healing gods, christianism, Jesus miracle, Probatic, Bethesda


The archaeological site of Bethesda (Jerusalem) is nowadays included in St. Anne’s religious complex (XIIIth century). In Antiquity it was a notorious area related with healing waters. In New Testament Times it already existed a thermal religious complex with healing functions, comprising some underground baths. When Hadrian rebuilt Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, those constructions were reused as a sanctuary sacred to Asclepius and Serapis. In IV- Vth century a new Byzantine church of St. Mary of the Probatic is built over these constructions to commemorate the Jesus miraculous healing of a paralytic man (Jn V, 1-9). In XIth century a little monastery was erected. The archaeological excavations brought to light fi ve levels of occupation presenting ponds, tanks and pools, with presence of numerous votive off erings. All those elements reveal the sacred use of this place between IInd century BC to IVth century AD.


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How to Cite
López Monteagudo, G. (2015). The pool at Bethesda in Jerusalem, a place of healing. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (31-32), 223–234. Retrieved from