The Impact of Mobile Apps and Workload on University Music Education: An Experimental Study


Keywords: educational technology, mobile apps, Music Education, academic performance, workload, virtual learning, higher education, elementary education, college students


Mobile applications play a substantial role in teaching and learning processes, thus facilitating the work of teachers. For these reasons, this study seeks to evaluate the impact of virtual teaching through apps in the field of music education, with the aim of improving learning and analyzing the workload of these tools through the NASA-TLX instrument. A total of 234 students from the bachelor’s degree in Primary Education participated, of which they were divided into two groups: control and experimental. Both were tested before and after the intervention. The results showed that those who used the apps showed better academic performance, with an average of 0.7863. Furthermore, they experienced a lower workload with an average of 4.4430 compared to those who did not use them, whose averages were 0.5800 in academic performance and 4.4873 in workload. These findings support the idea that apps enrich virtual learning, promoting autonomy and personalization of teaching in the university environment. In other words, these tools help enhance the quality and effectiveness of music education, improving student experiences.


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How to Cite
Barroso-Osuna, J., León-Garrido, A., Llorente-Cejudo, C., & Ruiz-Palmero, J. (2024). The Impact of Mobile Apps and Workload on University Music Education: An Experimental Study. Distance Education Journal, 24(80).