Argumentative skills in scholar digital contexts of superior level


Keywords: Academic writing, Digital Platforms of Teaching, Argumentative Poliphony


The aim of this work is to descibe a set of strategies of appropriation of arguments in the dialogic processes of checking information and its recovery in specific written texts. The study is based in the description and analysis of the requested texts to three groups of college students in the area of Humanities in a mexican university, developed in the frame of the online courses through the educative platform of Google (G-Suite), with the purpose of watching the increasing of complexity of tasks in writing and its vinculation with the exploitation of voices that show the arguments of an academic text. The results show that this procedures are not completely progressives nor homogenous but they present different grades of complexity that can be analyzed since three axiss of development: 1) the adecquation of the dialogicity to the ambit of the academic writing, 2) the improvement of the argumental precision beginning with the processes of comparison and 3) the development of critical thinking to achieve an own declarative ranking in the texts.


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How to Cite
López Vázquez, J. A., González Di Pierro, C., & Pérez Álvarez, B. E. (2023). Argumentative skills in scholar digital contexts of superior level. Distance Education Journal, 23(75).