The Wreader´s Education at The Victorian Web: Dynamic Readings, Argumentative Commentary, Infinite Curation


Keywords: higher education, hypertext, argumentation, multimodality, abduction, curatorship

Supporting Agencies

  • Esta publicación es parte del proyecto de I D i “Innovación epistémica de un modelo de comentario argumentativo de textos multimodales en la enseñanza del español como lengua materna y extranjera” / ayuda PGC2018-101457-B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por “FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa”.


This multiple case study has investigated the hypertextual and argumentative competences of eleven groups of students from the Primary Education Degree in a process of dynamic intertextual reading and writing of critical curatorial and recurring comments on blogs based on lexias from the academic site The Victorian Web, whose careful network in heteroglossic semiosis favors the construct wreader (epistemic reader-writer) in the cognitive mediation of the commentator. The methodical design of the sequential analysis of the process has involved microethnographic observation whose results appear in a flowchart of the collaborative task. The analysis of the corpus of curatorships in hyperlinked constellations and hypertextual-argumentative qualities incorporates specific matrices on lexias, coherence, multimodality, prototypes and strategies, whose data discussed have allowed elucidating in half of the cases the survival of logocentric habits of atomized reading and writing. reproductive knowledge that his comments have failed as dissertations according to arguments of authority and in the other half the initiation in abductive hypotheses by analogical coherence of the writer as an efficient cause to give plausible meaning to his critical comments. Paraphrastic comments prevail in recurrences without intertextuality. Therefore, the conclusions indicate epistemic training strategies of infinite healing.


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Author Biography

George P. Landow, Brown University. Professor Emeritus of English and History of Art.



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How to Cite
Caro Valverde, M. T., de Amo Sánchez Fortún, J. M., & Landow, G. P. . (2023). The Wreader´s Education at The Victorian Web: Dynamic Readings, Argumentative Commentary, Infinite Curation. Distance Education Journal, 23(75).