Design and content validity of a rubric to measure the educational value of applications for mobile devices


Keywords: mobile learning, educational application, app, evaluation, educational value, rubric, validation

Supporting Agencies

  • State Research Agency (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain).


Applications for mobile devices are increasingly a frequently used resource in different educational settings. The objective of this work was the design and validation of an instrument to measure the educational value of these applications, which has been called E-V-A (Educational Value Assessment). A process comprised of three phases was followed, according to a mixed methodology, considering the conceptual and theoretical design of the rubric, the functional design of dimensions, indicators and descriptors, as well as the subsequent validation of theoretical-practical content through expert judgment on relevance, clarity and adequacy, using the Delphi technique. The validation process allowed the formulation of an evaluation rubric for educational apps made up of 100 items structured into 21 blocks and 5 dimensions: personal development, cognitive and metacognitive development, learning and skills development; social development and technical dimension. This instrument can be very useful for teaching professionals who need to measure the educational value of an app through a structured and uniform protocol.


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How to Cite
Expósito-López, J., Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, J. J., & Olmedo-Moreno, E. M. (2023). Design and content validity of a rubric to measure the educational value of applications for mobile devices. Distance Education Journal, 23(72).