Augmented reality and its effect on the spatial ability of mechanical engineering students


Keywords: Augmented reality, spatial ability, engineering students, mechanical engineering


This research work focused on the development of a learning experience based on the use of augmented reality with the aim of improving spatial ability, within the training framework of the future mechanical engineer. Two groups were formed, where the first group, the experimental group, participated in a mechanical drawing workshop where content was displayed in augmented reality, while, in the second group, the control group developed the same topics in a traditional way. A test was used to measure the spatial ability of the participants before and after the application of the workshop. The results obtained in the study allowed us to conclude that the mechanical drawing workshop based on the use of augmented reality significantly influences the spatial ability of mechanical engineering students, because the statistical analysis allows us to identify a significant difference between the groups formed, according to results obtained by means of the Mann Whitney U test.


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How to Cite
Yarin Achachagua, Y. H., & Gamarra Chinchay, H. E. (2022). Augmented reality and its effect on the spatial ability of mechanical engineering students. Distance Education Journal, 22(70).
Realidad aumentada y virtual en entornos educativos. Educación y ODS.