Decisions in evaluation: virtual postgraduate environments, ex post-facto study.


  • Viviana Rocio Rodriguez Aramendiz Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-México
  • Katherina Edith Gallardo Córdova
Keywords: design; ex post-facto; feedback; education; objectives; competence.


This research was carry out about the decisions in evaluation in virtual learning environments.Two subjects or courses offered on the online modality for graduate level included the instructional aspect and the feedback given to assessable activities. An ex post-facto study and  The New Taxonomy (Marzano and Kendall, 2007) that permitted the emission of a series of judgments on design and feedback, the analysis of tasks, assigned activities and objectives or competencies to fulfill the overall goals.The results showed that the evaluative process is link with the decisions making from the desing, when it allows to lead to progress in the student's performance, on the other hand, the evaluation is related to the level of objectives or competences to be worked. In fact, the evaluative activities were designed with the intention to lead students in performing process analysis, reflection, interpretation, and understanding


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How to Cite
Rodriguez Aramendiz, V. R., & Gallardo Córdova, K. E. (2019). Decisions in evaluation: virtual postgraduate environments, ex post-facto study. Distance Education Journal, 19(59).