Assessment of the acquisition of competencies in cardiovascular system in Medicine: self-perception, lecture attendance and academic performance


Keywords: Medicine Degree, clinical competencies, questionnaire, self-evaluation, attendance


The acquisition of competencies is essential in clinically relevant areas such as cardiovascular pathology. This study aims to assess the acquisition of the main competencies regarding the cardiovascular system by medical students, as well as their self-perception, and the relation with regular lecture attendance and academic performance. In order to achieve this aim, data were remotely obtained from 142 students in the fourth, fifth and sixth year of Medicine Degree at University of Málaga using an author-made questionnaire (0-15 points) with multiple-choice questions based on clinical situations and a self-evaluation survey about competencies.

Analyzing the results, the competencies that were considered as acquired by the largest and the lowest number of students were, respectively, the handling of cardiovascular risk factors (100%) and cardiopulmonary auscultation (38.3%), respectively. Better results were obtained by students who regularly attended lectures (11.28±1.84 vs 9.54±2.45; p<0.01). In addition, it was demonstrated that self-perception (odds ratio [OR]=1.26; 95% confidence interval [95%CI]=1.07-1.50), lecture attendance (OR=3.55; 95%CI=1.64-7.70) and better academic performance (OR=2.6; 95%CI=1.46-4.63) were predictors of high scores in the questionnaire (≥11 points). In conclusion, lecture attendance seems to be fundamental in learning. In addition, self-perception could be used as a tool to guide teaching. On the other hand, it is detected an insufficient development of eminently practical competencies as well as the importance of interrelating knowledge, since a better general academic performance during degree is also reflected in the speciality studied in this research.



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How to Cite
Larrubia Valle, J. I., Peláez Berdún, C., Jorge, Pavón Morón, F. J., Romero Cuevas, M., & Jimenez-Navarro, M. . (2023). Assessment of the acquisition of competencies in cardiovascular system in Medicine: self-perception, lecture attendance and academic performance. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 4(1).