Perceived Quality, Overall Service Quality, Overall Service Satisfaction, Perceived Service Value and Future Intentions of a sport event: Portuguese triathlete perceptions


Keywords: Perceived Quality, Overall Service Quality, Overall Service Satisfaction, Perceived Service Value, Future Intentions

Supporting Agencies

  • Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., Grant/Award Number UIDB/04045/2020 (


The aim of this study was to analyse the factor structure of a model to assess the perception of satisfaction and quality of a sport event. Confirmatory factor analysis was developed to test the factor structure. The present sample comprised 208 Portuguese triathlete participants (males = 148; Mean age = 41.29 ± 11.28). Of these participants, 169 reported practice of physical activity more than 4 times a week and 153 said they had completed part in 5 or more triathlon events. Current results showed that the measurement model presented adequate fit (total sample model: χ2/df = 2.748, B-S p < .001, TLI = .928, CFI = 0.940, SRMR = 0.075, RMSEA = 0.092 (CI = 1.068, 1.671). These results support the use of this model to assess all the dimensions associated with a sporting event, particularly triathlon.


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How to Cite
Jacinto, M., Margarido, C., Sousa, M., Marques, J., Varela, J., Amaro, N., … Antunes, R. (2025). Perceived Quality, Overall Service Quality, Overall Service Satisfaction, Perceived Service Value and Future Intentions of a sport event: Portuguese triathlete perceptions. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 25(1), 14–29.
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