Weekly training frequency as a predictor of exercise dependence in recreational athletes


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.427221
Keywords: dependent behaviour; exercise addiction; exercise psychology; exercise


This transversal study aimed to investigate the predictive role of age, training frequency and practice time on the degree of exercise dependence (ED) of recreational athletes.   159 recreational athletes participated in street racing, bodybuilding and crossfit, with an average age of 31,59 ± 7,98 years, from the state of Pernambuco. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire and Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised. Data analysis was conducted through Spearman correlation and multiple regression (p < 0,05).  The results showed significant and positive correlation (p<0,05) of the training frequency with continuity (r=0,16), reduction of other activities (r=0,27), lack of Control (r=0,24), time (r=0,25) and General score of (r=0,25), Multiple regression analysis revealed that only the training frequency presented significant and direct prediction on the dimensions of DE, Specifically, the weekly training frequency explains 1% of the continuity variance, 6% of the reduction of other activities, 5% of the lack of Control, 5% of the time and 57% of the overall score of. It is concluded that the weekly training frequency seems to be an intervention factor in the degree of ED in recreational athletes.


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How to Cite
Freire, G. L. M., Fortes, L. de S., Moreira, J. A. G. L. F. ., Alves, J. F. N. ., Souza, M. F. de ., & Nascimento Junior, J. R. A. do. (2021). Weekly training frequency as a predictor of exercise dependence in recreational athletes. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.427221
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