No. 21 (2004): Sacrality and archeology: tribute to Professor Thilo Ulbert

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 21 (2004): Sacrality and archeology: tribute to Professor Thilo Ulbert

For Antiquity and Christianity it is a high honor to dedicate a volume of tribute to ThiloUlbert, on his 65th birthday, in applause and proclaiming exaltation of his investigative work. This offering is just recognition of a fruitful life that has enriched all of us and that the history of the Late Antiquity has led it along paths of light and intelligence. Her work, in Spain and throughout the Mediterranean, constitutes a milestone in the study and understanding of our early Christian architecture. In the 19th century, Hübner created the Roman history of Spain, also gathering the inscriptions of Christian Spain; and in the XX Schlunk and Hauschildal they reached summits that have determined the course of the discipline in the field of our bull skin. Ulbert's work has ensured that the scientific awareness of the history of Late Anti-aging in the Peninsula maintains its vigor and wealth without detracting in any way from its very illustrious predecessors. In the face of such effort and scientific quality by the Spanish there is no other position than admiration and gratitude.

Published: 20-01-2004
Frequency: Anual

Los forjadores de la historia tardoantigua el dr. González Blanco