
  • Antonino González Blanco
  • Ramón López Domech
Keywords: Villavelayo church, romanic, prerromanic, religious architecture, Calahorra, diocese


The actual Villavelayo Church is a typical romanic building. A more attentive study is able to see different features that claims for acceptation of a former phase in the history of the monument. These traits are mainly three: The old northern and southern walls of the Church finish something westerly of the sacristy door, that indicates another configuration of the apse zone in a former phase of the church history; the excised and decorated stones that surely are indications of decoration of the former absidial walls; and the outside paraments of the S. and West walls of the church that we consider signal for visigothic time in the first historical period of the monument. This hypothesis has been confirmed by the appearance, outside the apse of a wall that necessary must be the end of the primitive apse in the visigothic church, and we can imaginate this something like that one of the Quintanilla de las Viñas or perhaps that one of the Santa Lucía del Trampal in Alcuéscar, Cáceres. The exacte knowledge could be defined by a simple excavation of the outside of the Church along this wall. The Villavelayo Church is a very significative monument in the Calahorra diocese.


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How to Cite
González Blanco, A., & López Domech, R. (1997). TRADITION AND CONTINUITY IN THE SIERRA DE LA DEMANDA: THE CHURCH OF VILLAVELAYO. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (14), 539–570. Retrieved from

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