Temporalites described: everyday life, from laic to liturgical, in Late Antiquity (4th - 7th centuries)
o cotidiano, do laico ao litúrgico, na Antiguidade Tardia (séculos IV - VII).
Supporting Agencies
- Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
In this article, our aim is to discuss secular and religious notions of everyday time experienced in different contexts of the Western Late Roman Antiquity. To analyze these notions, we examine works by “civil” authors such as Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius and Decimus Magnus Ausonius, military authors like Ammianus Marcellinus and Vegetius, and ecclesiastical authors, including Augustine of Hippo, Caesarius of Arles, Ambrose of Milan, Aurelius Prudentius, and Isidore of Seville. Mindful of the idea of synchronization and differentiation between tradition and “innovations” advocated by James Ker (2023), and focusing on issues related to everyday time, we investigate how established social groups in the rural and urban spaces of the Western Roman world divided their festivities and activities throughout the days and nights.
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