The history of S.E. peninsular between the III-VIII centuries AD. (Literary sources, problems and suggestions)


  • González Blanco Antonio
Keywords: late antiquity, southeast peninsular, sources


Only when literary texts are lacking is the enormous difficulty of making articulated history with the due succession and causal relationship of events seen. Hence the enormous importance of collecting all the existing documents for a period, especially when such documents are not numerous. For the eastern part of the Roman province Carthaginense, that is, for that area that is delimited by the Iberian and Mediterranean systems, there is also the problem that it is necessary to specify which documents of those that refer to this province precisely reach its eastern section, so that the flourish of literary texts must be accompanied by the identification of each document as appropriate to the subject we want to deal with.


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How to Cite
Antonio, G. B. (1984). The history of S.E. peninsular between the III-VIII centuries AD. (Literary sources, problems and suggestions). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (2), 53–79. Retrieved from