Notas sobre el papel del Prognosticum futuri saeculi de Julián de Toledo en la evolución de la idea medieval del purgatorio


  • Gregorio García Herrero


Julian of Toledo wrote

Prognosticum futuri saeculi (the first systematic treatise on nouissimi of the West) with the intention of laying down the grounds of the eschatological doctrine, preserving great accuracy to patristic sources and Holy Scriptures. But he wrote his treatise by carrying out a selection of quotations, a plot reconstruction and even a subtle and reckless manipulation of his sources, and everything in accordance with his own thinking and also with that of his time. In consequence, the holistic meaning of the teachings found in the Prognosticum shows valuable innovations with regard to former treatise writers and provides a new sense to the Christian image to the characteristics of the supernatural world. This will have a remarkable influence on the development of the idea of Purgatory during the Middle Ages.


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How to Cite
García Herrero, G. (2006). Notas sobre el papel del Prognosticum futuri saeculi de Julián de Toledo en la evolución de la idea medieval del purgatorio. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 503–513. Retrieved from