La imagen del herético en la Constitutio XVI,5,6 (381) del Codex Theodosianus


  • María Victoria Escribano Paños


This article aims to analize the historical background and examine the


constitutio CTh XVI,5,6, addressed to Eutopius, prefect of Illiricum, by Theodosius on January 10th, 381. In it, with the «performance» force and usual coercion of legal language, the emperor shaped the heretic's intellectual, moral and religious image in terms that were later repeated, like a stylictic leitmotiv, in his orders and his successors orders. By means of this law he produced a type of exclusion, endowed with effective and repetitive coherence, and verbally he developed a stereotype of intimidation, in order to terrify heretics and inspire fear of being associated with them.


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Author Biography

María Victoria Escribano Paños

Universidad de Zaragoza

How to Cite
Escribano Paños, M. V. (2006). La imagen del herético en la Constitutio XVI,5,6 (381) del Codex Theodosianus. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 475–498. Retrieved from