A new type of Byzantine ointment dispenser in Cartagena


  • Jaime Vizcaíno Sánchez
Keywords: Cartagena, Ointment, Byzantine


This article presents a new type of Late Roman Unguentarium retrieved in the excavations at the Byzantine age quarter built over the Roman Theatre of Cartagena. The production of this unguentarium is situated in the Ephesian area, on the basis of new archaeometrical results. This find, dated between the sixth and the seventh century, increases the body of evidence already available for the distribution of this class of material, and, moreover, it shows new aspects about the economy and daily life of Early Byzantine Carthago Spartaria


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How to Cite
Vizcaíno Sánchez, J. (2019). A new type of Byzantine ointment dispenser in Cartagena. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (25), 247–259. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/390511

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