Constancio I, solenses gallicani and limes: brief operational considerations (293-304)


  • Miguel Sancho Gómez
Keywords: constancius, Notitia Dignitatum


This article tries to give a clear and complete image of Constancio Cloro as a military chief, despite the scarcity of information offered by late sources and especially by the contemporary authors of the emperor. It also investigates the profile and structure of the military unit Solenses Galicani, offering some guidelines and suggestions from the scarce literary testimonies, to add additional light to the little known tactical and strategic aspects of the armies of the Tetrarchy. A hypothesis is raised about the ethnic composition of this legion, its morphology and its function on the battlefield, using the information present in the Notitia Dignitatum and the knowledge of the current historiography about the late Roman army.


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How to Cite
Sancho Gómez, M. (2019). Constancio I, solenses gallicani and limes: brief operational considerations (293-304). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (25), 237–246. Retrieved from