Símbolos y rituales en las inscripciones de la Cueva Negra de Fortuna (Murcia): correlaciones entre etnolingüística y etnohistoria
Cultural anthropological elements in the Cueva Negra in Fortuna.1. Gnostic and Soteriological elements in the Cueva Negra: the processio ad fontes, the epiphania Esculapii, the puerperal water, the bathing of the new borns. The harvesting, the lavacrum, the placatio, the health, happiness and the entry into the inner being. The «gnostic scale» and the ritual and sacrifi cial icons.2. The decline of the religiousness of the pateres hosioi. The return of the spêlaitai and the theandroi. The god of the multiple epinoiai.3. The transformation of the local religion without the uprooting of the local identity: the epifania de Koré according to the epifaniy and its rebirth rites of Aion. The procession of Salambó and the restauratio imaginis in the neo-Punic rituals in Sevilla in the third century (Passio of the Saints Justina and Rufi na).4. Scripture as the supreme Cult act, as a liturgical activity en the soteria kata gnosin. The exvoto tablets with scripture, the prayers written on tablets, the verses on small boxes, used as charms, the scriptures on stones as monumentum.
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