Los ‘sodales Heliconi’ de la Cueva Negra de Fortuna (Murcia): una propuesta de interpretación


  • José Miguel Baños Baños


The fundamental object of this study is to determine the reach and significance of the syntagma sodales Heliconi that appears in one of the most well known and studied inscription from the Cueva Negra in Fortuna, and which refers to the visitors to this Cave and to the activity (cult and/or literary) which was carried out within.Although outstanding experts of the Cueva Negra and its tituli picti have tended to coincide in the clear religious connotations of the expression, in my opinion, there is no need to give a religious meaning to an expression that —in in the context in which it appears— simply means «companion of the Muses», and indicates thereby the literary interests shared by those who, in the fi rst and second century D.C. came together in the Cave. To justify this interpretation, I have made a rapid review of the different meanings give to sodales in Latin from the first written testimonies, before giving a more profound look at the literary contests which surrounds the tituli picti and of the terms Helicon and Heliconius in the Latin literature.


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How to Cite
Baños Baños, J. M. . (2003). Los ‘sodales Heliconi’ de la Cueva Negra de Fortuna (Murcia): una propuesta de interpretación. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (20), 355–371. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/387171