Critical review of the book by F. VILLAR LIÉBANA, Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans in pre-Roman Hispania. Editions Universidad de Salamanca 2000. 487 pp.


  • Eutimio Martino


With more than noticeable delay we deal with this work, as if it herself had required so much time to reach the full judgment of the knowledge deposited in it, which should not sound like a mere exaggeration, at least as far as we are concerned. The same date of publication -the year 2000- tunes with a syllabus that unfolds on millennia of linguistic history and on Indo-European and non-Indo-European terms.


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How to Cite
Martino, E. (2013). Critical review of the book by F. VILLAR LIÉBANA, Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans in pre-Roman Hispania. Editions Universidad de Salamanca 2000. 487 pp. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (30), 377–378. Retrieved from

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