
The journal Antigüedad y Cristianismo is a scientific journal, of international scope, specialized in Late Antiquity and published annually by the University of Murcia. Founded in 1984 by Professor Antonino González Blanco, throughout its decades of existence it has avoided synthesis or merely descriptive works and has hosted a wide variety of monographs, articles, news and contributions of an original and scientific nature in all fields. late antiquity (material culture, literary sources, mentality, historiography, repertoire of novelties and book criticism, among others).

Management bodies

The management bodies are made up of the Editorial Board and the Scientific and Advisory Council, rigorously following the Code of Ethics and Good Practices of the magazine.

- Editorial Board

Composed of the Director and the Editorial Secretaries of the journal, as well as the members of the Editorial Board, these being different researchers in various areas of knowledge related to the journal, who will help the director in the protocol established for admission. ´ón of originals, as well as in the style and definition of the scope of the magazine and norms of writing and presentation of originals.

The director will be in charge of coordinating the tasks between the Editorial Board and the Scientific and Advisory Council.

The post of Editorial Secretary must be designated directly by the Director.

The Director may dismiss the members of the Editorial Board if there are unjustified indications of not performing their functions.

The members of the Editorial Board may be proposed both by the Director and by other members of the Board and requiring a majority for approval.

The Editorial Secretary is in charge of managing and receiving originals, as well as monitoring the evaluation process, having to communicate with the authors, members of the Editorial Board and the Advisor, informing evaluators and authors at all times about the decisions taken. regarding the originals sent.

The Vocals will carry out the preliminary reading of the works for an initial contact and decision on the quality of the original in order to carry out a search for external evaluators for such works, by definition they cannot be evaluators.

- Scientific and Advisory Council

The Scientific and Advisory Council will be made up of specialists and professionals at the national and international level without institutional ties to the journal, who must set the editorial policy, disseminate it in international forums.

The election of its members will be carried out by the Advisory Council itself, who will propose new members and they will be voted on.

The members of the Advisory Board may participate as evaluators of originals as external peers, with at least one evaluation carried out by a specialist outside the Board itself.