Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch Epstein (1886-1944)


  • Miguel Martínez Sánchez
Keywords: March Bloch, Historiography, Annales, History Theory


With this work we intend to remember Marc Bloch’s role as one of the essential authors and intellectuals who caused the historiographical renovation of the 20th century in all senses. Through a review throughout his biography and his work, we intend to place value on the intellectual work he led at the universities of Strasbourg and Sorbonne, as well as his work in the so-called School of the Annales, of which he was a co-founder. His studies and refl ections about history theory were the basis on which many young students have found their vocation in history, as well as his bibliographical contributions allowed a whole generation to renew the vision of the past and the work methodology of the historian.


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How to Cite
Martínez Sánchez, M. (2019). Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch Epstein (1886-1944). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (33-34), 257–272. Retrieved from