Do I Study What I Want or What I Must?
The Effects of Motivation on Study Preference, Perceived Efficacy, Academic Engagement, and Dropout Ideation in University Studies
The present study uses a cross-lagged model in order to analyse the impact of (intrinsic and extrinsic) motivations on the choice of a university degree. It examines how these motivations affect perceived efficacy, academic engagement, academic results and the tendency to change or drop out. A sample of 198 students from Spanish universities answered a battery of questionnaires before and after the first academic evaluation period of the course. The results show the significant and positive impact of intrinsic (as opposed to extrinsic) motivations on perceived efficacy and academic engagement. On the other hand, it is noted that engagement plays a mediational role in the relationship of motivation and perceived efficacy with the ideation of change and university dropout. The latter indicator is predicted by both lower engagement and poorer academic performance. The data highlight the relevance of an adequate pre-university orientation towards degrees for which the student experiences greater intrinsic motivation, due to its subsequent impact on variables that prevent dropout and change of studies. These actions should be complemented with others that increase the levels of personal resources and well-being of students once they have started their studies.
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