Burnout Syndrome and Socio-demographic Variables in Teachers from a Private University in Lima
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- Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
The main objective of this research was to determine the differences among the components of burnout in professors from a private university in Lima according to socio-demographic variables. With this aim in mind, a comparative descriptive research design was used. Also, a specific sample quota was not applied. We collected a total population composed of 260 professors of humanities at said educational institution who teach the following courses: Language, Research, Ethics and Citizenship and Creativity Workshop. In addition, we used the Maslach Burnout Inventory Adaptation and a socio-demographic record handout for university professors as measuring instruments. Finally, from the processing and statistical analysis of the data obtained, we found the following: there are significant differences in the levels of emotional exhaustion by sex and class schedule; also, personal fulfillment according to age, marital status, specialty, highest level of educational attainment and years of teaching experience, among other results. Some results of previous research were corroborated or refuted, especially in relation to the variables sex, age, marital status, level of education and class schedule. Also, from this research, it was identified that the place of undergraduate studies, specialty and years of teaching experience, aspects not studied in depth in the previous studies, could be variables associated with some components of burnout. Finally, in addition to the significant differences mentioned, it was concluded that there are average levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, distortion of the work environment, personal and professional fulfillment in the teachers who formed the study sample.Downloads
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