Emotional competence, satisfaction in specific contexts and satisfaction with life in adolescence
Supporting Agencies
- ARCE (Agrupació de recerca en Ciències de l’Educació)
- Universidad de Barcelona
This study analyzes the relationship between the level of emotional competence and well-being experienced in specific contexts as well as satisfaction with life in adolescents. Three hypotheses were tested: a) If emotional competence of adolescents is related to their life satisfaction; b) If there is a relationship between life satisfaction and satisfaction in various specific domains (with studies, with oneself, coping resources and the use of leisure time). c) Finally, if the relationship between satisfaction in specific contexts and satisfaction with life is moderated by emotional competence. The Emotional Adolescent Development questionnaire (CDE-SEC; Perez-Escoda, Alvarez & Bisquerra, 2008), the Life Satisfaction questionnaire (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985) adapted to Spanish by Atienza, Pons, Balaguer and García-Merita (2000) and an ad-hoc questionnaire to measure domain-specific satisfactions were used. The study sample is 485 students of Secondary Education of Catalonia and Bilbao. We performed a regression analysis by which an explanatory model of emotional competence and life satisfaction among young people is obtained. The results largely confirm the three hypotheses although with some nuances.Downloads
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