Wikis and Teaching Innovation


  • Guzmán Mancho Barés
  • María Dolores Porto Requejo
  • Carmen Valero Garcés
Keywords: wikis, teaching innovation, ESHE


The European Space for Higher Education requires a change in the traditional teaching methodologies that can be helped by the new technologies. The Web 2.0 provides a great number of possibilities to make the student an active agent in the learning process, but the wiki technology seems to best adapt the most recent teaching needs, such as the generic competences for the integral formation of the students which go beyond the specific knowledge of a particular subject. University teachers are beginning to experience wikis in their subjects, but the institutional support is not enough to make the use of wikis general in all Spanish universities.


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How to Cite
Mancho Barés, G., Porto Requejo, M. D., & Valero Garcés, C. (2010). Wikis and Teaching Innovation. Distance Education Journal. Retrieved from