Use of mobile applications in educational contexts in preschool and primary school


Keywords: higher education, educational innovation, mobile apps, learning, motivation


The use of mobile applications promotes active educational experiences and can improve student motivation and involvement.

The present work aims to: a) provide a selection of educational applications in preschool and primary school, b) know the opinion of teachers in training about these applications, c) analyse the satisfaction of the preschool and primary school student after participating in an experience with educational applications.

To answer the first two objectives, a questionnaire is applied to a sample of 182 teachers in training from a distance university and a mixed approach is used in the analysis of the data. Replying to the third objective, observation and interview are applied to two groups of preschool and primary school, and a qualitative approach is used.


The results provide 51 applications to work on various contents in early childhood and primary school. Teachers in training show a favourable opinion towards the use of these resources in the educational field, they consider that they promote behavioural, and discovery learning and have an interactive function. They also point out some limitations such as the lack of material resources and training. Finally, the children value the experience positively, they are motivated and want to continue working with these resources to learn content and skills.


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How to Cite
Basilotta-Gómez-Pablos, V., Casillas-Martín, S., Cabezas-González, M., & García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, A. (2025). Use of mobile applications in educational contexts in preschool and primary school. Distance Education Journal, 25(81).

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