Multimodal argumentation in teacher education courses to connect theory with practice


Keywords: multimodal argumentation, creativity, comprehension, teacher training, theoretical and practical application

Supporting Agencies

  • Esta publicación es parte del proyecto de I D i “Innovación epistémica de un modelo de comentario argumentativo de textos multimodales en la enseñanza del español como lengua materna y extranjera” / ayuda PGC2018-101457-B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por “FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa”


We start from the current need to critically review the teaching of argumentation in teacher education programs. The methodology adopted is qualitative, with an initial content analysis of the treatment of multimodal argumentation in a selection of U.S. teacher training programs. The models detected are contrasted with the ARCO model and a transmodalizing proposal of genre is made, consisting of the transformation of argumentative reflection in text commentary. Secondly, a case study report is made based on the contrastive analysis of four texts produced by students of the selected programs. The results show improved indicators of complex thinking; in particular, the significance of the crossing of the multimodality variant with creative thinking is especially relevant. It is discussed how the proposal makes it possible to relate theory with practice prior to practicing the teaching profession, and it is concluded that including multimodal argumentation in teacher training may be one more way to solve the disconnection between theory and practice in programs with courses taught without classroom intervention.


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How to Cite
Mateo Girona, M. T., & Wahleithner , J. M. (2023). Multimodal argumentation in teacher education courses to connect theory with practice. Distance Education Journal, 23(75).