Psychometric Properties of a Test on Teachers' Beliefs about ICT Integration


Keywords: Belief, secondary school teachers, test construction, measuring instruments, ITC


This study is part of a doctoral research that analyzes the relationship between socioemotional competencies (SEC) and the teaching beliefs of secondary school teachers. In this sense, it is necessary to have a valid, reliable instrument adapted to the sociocultural reality of public school teachers in Metropolitan Lima in coherence with international theoretical frameworks and existing empirical research. Thus, an ad hoc test was designed under the Classical Test Theory, taking into account a classification of teaching beliefs, and the respective psychometric analysis was carried out. A total of 393 teachers from the seven Local Educational Management Units (UGEL) of Metropolitan Lima participated. The methodology included the determination of content and construct validity, as well as the analysis of reliability by internal consistency. This research provides an instrument of 30 items on a Likert scale with optimal validity and reliability indicators for the Peruvian reality with the possibility of being extrapolated to other South American contexts for the diagnosis, research and evaluation of the effectiveness of ICT training programs within the framework of the paradigm of teacher thinking.


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How to Cite
Cartagena Beteta, M., Revuelta Domínguez, F. I., & Pedrera-Rodríguez, M.-I. (2022). Psychometric Properties of a Test on Teachers’ Beliefs about ICT Integration. Distance Education Journal, 22(70).

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