Digital literacy in education. Systematic review of scientific production in Scopus


Keywords: Digital literacy, information literacy, technology, bibliography


The incorporation of technologies in scenarios of social interaction has led to changes in the way in which people communicate, learn and share information. In education, access and massification of digital infrastructure has led to the need to conceptualize and reconceptualize the term digital literacy from various angles as a way of understanding what are the skills needed to participate in a hyperconnected world. In this work, a systematic review of the bibliography related to the topic was carried out using the Scopus database. A diachronic study was carried out that examined 138 articles obtained from the terms digital literacy, education and school. An early conceptualization based on the need to incorporate skills to use technologies instrumentally was identified, and a contemporary reconceptualization in which the idea that mastering hardware and software is enough to consider a person digitally literate is overcome. It is concluded that, in order to make digital literacy conceptualizations, terms such as information literacy, computer literacy and media literacy must necessarily be considered, since new literacies based on the incorporation of technologies in education are articulated on these parameters.


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How to Cite
George Reyes, C. E., & Avello-Martínez, R. (2021). Digital literacy in education. Systematic review of scientific production in Scopus. Distance Education Journal, 21(66).