The tutor's role in teaching distance education: a systematic review on the competencies approach


Keywords: Distance education, Mentoring, Professional Profile, Competencies.


Considering the particularities and the importance of the tutor's role in the Distance Education (EAD) modality, this study this study aimed to identify the competencies intrinsic to the tutoring functions in EAD. For this, a systematic review was carried out using the Methodi Ordinatio methodology, in the databases of Portal de Periódicos Capes; Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), ScienceDirect and Scopus, covering studies focused on the theme in the last 10 years. In total, 12 studies met the established criteria and were evaluated. The results show technical, managerial and social competencies associated with the role of the tutor. Among them, we highlight the competencies of: providing individualized attention to students, using the systems and knowledge associated with information technology, providing a welcoming, friendly, trusting and stimulating online environment, demonstrating empathy, stimulating interaction, motivating students and providing feedback, which are largely directed to the social perspective. Difficulties are still evident in relation to technical and social competencies, which leads to the need for a direction aimed at their development and improvement, so that they can assist in the effective and efficient practical performance of the tutor.


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Author Biographies

Flavia Massuga

Master by the Postgraduate Program in Community Development at the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO). Graduated in Business Administration from the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO). Teacher of Professional Education in the FIEP System.

Sergio Luis Dias Doliveria, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (UNICENTRO)

PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Full Professor at the Department of Administration, State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO).


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21-04-2021 — Updated on 12-05-2021
How to Cite
Massuga, F., Soares, S., & Luis Dias Doliveria, S. . (2021). The tutor’s role in teaching distance education: a systematic review on the competencies approach. Distance Education Journal, 21(66). (Original work published April 21, 2021)