Considering the Role of Zone of Proximal Development and Constructivism in Supporting Teachers’ TPACK and Effective Use of Technology


Keywords: technology integration, teacher education, professional development


This paper focuses on the construct of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a way to think about the knowledge and skills teachers need to effectively use technology with students. We use the construct of Vygotksy’s Zone of Proximal Development and Social Constructivist epistemologies to consider ways to scaffold and develop pre-service teachers’ TPACK. We synthesize these ideas and provide vignettes that describe what these look like in teacher education programs. We then conclude with implications for both research and practice.


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How to Cite
Polly, D., & Byker, E. (2020). Considering the Role of Zone of Proximal Development and Constructivism in Supporting Teachers’ TPACK and Effective Use of Technology. Distance Education Journal, 20(64).
Theories of learning and instructional theory for digital education