Macro-dissemination of maker culture: fostering 21st century competencies through an Ideaton
Supporting Agencies
- Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología (SICyT) del estado de Jalisco. Sistema de Universidad Virtual, Universidad de Guadalajara. Red Temática Mexicana para el desarrollo e incorporación de tecnología educativa (Red LaTE).
With the aim of propagating maker cultures through directed ideation, a cotechnocreative
competition was held for 1000 baccalaureate students during the 2018
Innovation Festival Epicentro in Jalisco, Mexico. The competition objectives were
aligned with the sustainable development objectives of the UN, where the methodology
centred on evoking practical and innovative solutions to local problems of eight strategic
sectors of the state. The prototyping activity, guided by the Trayekta canvas, was
characterized by the inclusion of programmable microcontrollers, sensors and motors,
which allow the development of 21st century skills, such as creativity, collaboration,
critical thinking, computational thinking and problem resolution. The follow-up to
participants was established for a year using a digital platform.The logistic scheme made
in collaboration with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (SICyT), the
results of participation and the research proposed between three universities in Mexico,
Canada and France, are presented in this paper. This is the first article of the series
“21st century competencies through an Ideaton”.
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