Controversies in the transition from paper and electronic textbooks to digital content


  • Ángel San Martín Alonso Universitat de València
  • José Peirats Chacón Universitat de València
Keywords: Textbook, digital book, didactic model, curricular materials


It is suggested that, given the economic and cultural scale that the book represents in our society, the layout of the paper and digital version will live together for a long time. Therefore, textbooks will suffer a very similar fate. The current change is focused on the transformation of textbooks in digital content with different formats and access routes. Through this process, we are studying the disputes that these changes cause, whereas they reflex the level of assimilation of the technological innovations on the part of citizens. By means of ethnographic strategies, we try to understand inductively how different educational agents are accepting such innovations. The centres that we have studied belong to various autonomous communities and data has been analysed for the last two years of primary school. In light of new media, we observe that parents have taken disparate positions among them: for the costs or parents who acknowledge that they have not as many skills as children. However, almost everyone agrees that it is necessary to educate in the use of these technologies because they will need it into adulthood.


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How to Cite
San Martín Alonso, Ángel, & Peirats Chacón, J. (2018). Controversies in the transition from paper and electronic textbooks to digital content. Distance Education Journal, 18(56). Retrieved from

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