Interoperability is essential in e-learning systems. Many XML based standards have appeared which make easier the methods for describing, identifying and searching the LO created in different formats and Learning Management Systems (LMS), thus guaranteeing its reusability. In this context, SCORM standard, developed by Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) is dominating. It is based on proposals of different organizations like IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC), Learning Object Metadata Working Group and IMS Global Learning Consortium. The most modern e-learning LMS use the standards mentioned above to achieve interoperability among the different systems; nevertheless, there is much useful content which is available in different environments that is not structured according to the standards and provokes difficulties for its reusability. That is why it is necessary to look for alternatives to pack such contents to be imported and used in the existing LMS. An automated procedure to create Digital Libraries composed of Learning Objects from content structures previously created is proposed. Tools to make this process easier have been developed. It has been applied to contents created in a LMS for teaching Spanish and it has resulted in a Multimedia Digital Library of Learning Objects.Downloads
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