Validation of Functional Requirements of a Virtual Remote Laboratory to Support Blended Learning
This research analyzes the requirements detected among students and teachers of scientific- technical education, on the design and functionality of a future web platform implementing a Virtual Remote Laboratory (VRL). The VRL is currently in the design phase, and is intended to supplement the experimental classroom teaching on Optics and Photonics. To this end, we have designed two surveys (for teachers and students, respectively), in order to gather their needs and expectations on the use and contents of the virtual platform. Surveys have been published in English and Spanish, their contents were validated by experts worldwide in science, engineering and education, and distributed online between students and teachers of Spanish and foreign universities. This paper describes the detailed structure of the surveys, the assessment by experts on the content thereof, the reliability analysis performed, the results of the completion by teachers and students, and the discussion thereof, conducted jointly with the help of a group of experts.Downloads
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