Creating a pattern of eLearning from the consideration of issues related to the design of learning objects for a specific case study cell phone use to support Lifelong Learners, from the perspective of instructional design.


  • Luis César Fuentes Marugán
Keywords: Patterns, pattern design, pattern language, mLearning, Lifelong Learners.


This paper tries to discern and develop those factors and issues that relate learning objects design to the practice of Lifelong Learners in m-Learning. A template is designed to collect enough data to provide information that leads to achieve the development of patterns which help the practice of learning object design in the practice of learning object design in the presented context. The paper concludes with the design of a structure for the pattern language and the development of a pattern oriented to solving a real case.


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How to Cite
Fuentes Marugán, L. C. (2015). Creating a pattern of eLearning from the consideration of issues related to the design of learning objects for a specific case study cell phone use to support Lifelong Learners, from the perspective of instructional design. Distance Education Journal, (31). Retrieved from