Historical sensitivity and future in globalized capitalist societies. The historical projections of young Chileans
Supporting Agencies
- Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico y Tecnológico – CNPq (Brazil)
The article presents the results of a quantitative study on the views of young Chilean high school students on the development of history and its future projections. It reflects on the impact of acceleration and unprecedented events in current societies and their incidence on the historical sensitivity of young people. The descriptive analysis shows the perception of change as a historical regularity, together with a disruption of history as progress and future events with a marked conflictive, dehumanized, and dystopian content. The emerging future visions are configured in a present connected to a recent past of dictatorial political violence, with visions about history that enhance power and inequalities, in a scenario of change of historical sensitivity that leads young Chileans to project a conflictive future governed by global technological powers as a continuity of the present.
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