Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning History. A Research Review


Keywords: history, Teaching history, Digitization, Educational resources

Supporting Agencies

  • This work is part of the post-doctoral internship project Digital technologies in the teaching and learning of history: the uses of TDCIS and digital materials, and result of a postdoctoral stay (AT_ESTPDI24_25), supervised by Prof. Dr. Jesus Rodríguez Rodríguez at the Faculty of Education of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The project was funded by the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Tânia Braga Garcia, coordinator of the Didactic Publishing Research Center - NPPD at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.


The teaching and learning processes of History are mediated by the educational resources that teachers decide to use in their subject. It is interesting to analyze the use and impact of digital educational resources in these processes. This work consists, on the one hand, of a bibliometric study that quantifies the scientific production of the last decade through the analysis of 116 documents retrieved from the Scopus database and, on the other hand, of a content analysis that delves into the scientific evidence. The results confirm that we are facing an emerging field of research in recent years and that the subject is widespread, being studied by different countries and institutions. On the other hand, given the number of documents analyzed, we conclude that more efforts are needed in this field, especially in the evaluation of digital resources used in the teaching/learning of history.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues Junior, O., Marín Suelves, D., López Gómez, S., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (2024). Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning History. A Research Review. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 18.