Certification Exam of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. The challenge of remote evaluation


  • Carolina Pascual Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutierrez. CABA. Argentina https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6936-4433
  • Ana María Martínez Valenti Secretaría técnica del Consejo de Evaluación Profesional, Argentina
  • Mónica Nancy Pose Secretaría técnica del Consejo de Evaluación Profesional, Argentina
  • Horacio Yulitta Universidad de Buenos Aires, PEDIATRIA Department https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6917-5245
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.613331
Keywords: Remote assessment, certification, medical education, pediatrics


The SAP (Argentine Society of Pediatrics) is a certifying entity in Pediatrics and 21 Pediatric Specialties. The certification exam is voluntary, independent and free from conflict of interest. The tool used for this exam involves a development process that begins long before its execution with the preparation of the pertinent instruments and concludes with the analysis of the results and the assessment of its functioning.

Goal: To submit the process carried out by the CEP (Professional Assessment Board) for the Certification in Pediatrics and 21 Specialties and its transition to a fully remote examination.

Method: Description of the strategies implemented by the CEP to elaborate the certification exams and their transition to an online format. The process implied in the elaboration of the multiple-choice questions for the written exam and semi structured cases for the oral component as well as the implementation of an online format through Zoom platform and the safe browser (SEB)

Results: The certification exam was conducted remotely for 1586 professionals, 752 in Pediatrics and 834 in specialties, between 2020 and 2023. During this period, some negative events took place such us connection interruption and difficulties regarding the circulation speed of the multiple-choice questions. Accordingly, strategies were developed to cope with these negative events enabling the correct execution of the exam.

Conclusion: The strategy reorganization for the online format together with the updating and redefinition of the assessment instruments had a positive impact on the homogeneity and equity in the assessment criteria applied by the Assessment Board.

Key words: online format, stability, certification, medical training.


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How to Cite
Pascual, C., Martínez Valenti, A. M., Pose, M. N., & Yulitta, H. (2024). Certification Exam of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. The challenge of remote evaluation. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.613331

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