Learning during a simulation training program: a conceptual replication


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.586761
Keywords: simulation in healthcare, training, professional development


(1) Introduction: The widespread adoption of healthcare simulation as a teaching tool has led to a growth in training programs for simulation instructors. However, there are few studies documenting the effectiveness of these programs. The objective was to study the transformation experienced by participants in an on-site edition of a specific training program and compare the possible differences observed with a previously studied and published online edition of the same program. (2) Methods. The program consisted of a 15-day online interactive module, four 8-hour face-to-face days on site, and an individual online session with one of the instructors. Each day on-site resulted in individual written reflections that were categorized according to the learning themes described by Kolbe and Rudolph (2018). (3) Results: 25 subthemes were identified that include a total of 78 elements identified in the 38 responses of the participants, categorized according to five learning themes: notes to self, evaluations, metacognitions, anticipations of applications, and emotions. (4) Conclusion: A comparable professional development progression was identified between the on-site face-to-face (the current study) and online (the previously published study) format.


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How to Cite
Losey Pelayo, C., Leppink, J., Rojo Santos, E., González Anillo, M., del Moral, I., & Maestre, J. M. (2023). Learning during a simulation training program: a conceptual replication. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.586761