Submidalilties manipulation of the mental representation at psychological work with taekwondist: an intervention in the context of P.N.L
This work presents a psychological intervention carried out with two taekwondists from the junior category, for the Izmir World Championship held in Turkey in May 2008. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to make the sportsmen and sportswomen to activate his best competitive resources in that championship, and secondly, to test the subjective value that would have the specific technical implementation of a management submodalities of thought for these athletes, to facilitate the expression of that potential in the fight. The procedure was carried out along four single sessions, once a week, for 45 minutes (three sessions before tournament and one at the end). After intervention, there is a high satisfaction with the athletes respect the technique used, as well as a subjective experience very favourable during the competition. In this way, we opened a new line of psychological intervention based in the context of PNL for the sport of taekwondo.Downloads
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