Neuromodulation applied in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex increases hip range of motion: a randomized controlled study
Um estudo controlado randomizado.
The study investigated the impact of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) on hip range of motion (HROM) in recreationally trained men. Secondarily, pain perception was assessed. 20 men (23.3 ± 5.2 years), with a left HROM of 113.9° and a right HROM of 111.5°, were divided into two groups: a-tDCS and sham-tDCS. Over three visits, anthropometry and passive HROM assessments were assessed. The respective stimulations were applied at the following two visits and HROM was measured before and after each session. ANOVA showed a significant increase in HROM in the a-tDCS group in both the left (p = .01) and right (p = .014) legs, while sham-tDCS showed no change. Pain perception was maximum in all conditions. a-tDCS stimulation was shown to improve HROM in recreationally trained men, however, pain perception was not altered.
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