Physical exercise and vitality: multigroup analysis according to sex and practice experience


Keywords: vitality, factor analysis, invariance, exercise

Supporting Agencies

  • UID04045/2020
  • UID/04748/2020


The subjective perception of vitality is an indicator of well-being that can translate into improved quality of life. A valid and reliable instrument will allow researchers to accurately measure vitality in the context of exercise. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) in a Portuguese sample of physical exercise practitioners according to gender and practice experience. Data were collected from a sample of a total of 330 adults (women = 145; men = 185). Participants were aged between 18 and 64 years (M = 28.52; SD = 9.86), with a mean exercise experience of 8.14 months (SD = 6.14), and with a weekly frequency of between 1–7 times (M = 4.42; SD = 1.35). A confirmatory factor analysis of the scale's six-item measurement model and an analysis of invariance as a function of gender and practice experience were performed. The results of bivariate correlations were also analyzed in order to assess the nomological validity of the instrument with enjoyment and with the intention of continuing in practice. The SVS measurement model demonstrated an acceptable fit in each of the samples and the composite reliability coefficients were adequate. Correlations indicated that higher levels of vitality were associated with higher levels of enjoyment and intention to continue to practice physical exercise in the future. The measurement model proved to be invariant between samples, thus adding greater support to its validity to assess the subjective perception of vitality in the context of physical exercise. The SVS thus seems to be a reliable instrument for assessing vitality, in both sexes, as well as in people with different practice experiences.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, F., Jacinto, M., Antunes, R., Monteiro, D., Faria, J., & Teixeira, D. (2023). Physical exercise and vitality: multigroup analysis according to sex and practice experience. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3).
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