No. 22 (2005): Eufratense et Osrhoene: Roman settlement on the High Syrian Euphrates

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 22 (2005): Eufratense et Osrhoene: Roman settlement on the High Syrian Euphrates

The origin of this publication must be sought in 1989. Since that date, among the tasks carried out by the Spanish Archaeological Mission in Syria was an ambitious program of prospecting and study of the territory, in which the sites where it was being excavated were framed. (Tell Qara Qüzaq and Tell Jamís). This company not only covered a wide area of telTeno but also an extensive chronological framework.As a result of this initial line of research, direct and more intensive field work was undertaken around all the remains of Roman and Byzantine times that had been discovered. located in the continuous excavations and prospecting in Syria of the lnstitute of the Ancient Near East.

Published: 20-01-2005
Frequency: Anual
