No. 8 (1991): Art, Society, Economy and Religion during the Lower Empire and Late Antiquity

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 8 (1991): Art, Society, Economy and Religion during the Lower Empire and Late Antiquity

ANTIQUITY AND CHRISTIANITY consecrates this volume, as a tribute of affection, to the figure of José M "Blázquez, whose academic Retirement took place in June 1991. This initiative, encouraged by some of his former disciples, offered two advantages: for one On the other hand, to ensure that the edition of the magazine coincided with the date of his last lesson in the classrooms; on the other, to be able to unify the different contributions within the framework of a field of research -that of Late Antiquity- that the honoree cultivated with special In return, the editors have been forced to restrict the number of invitations and collaborations, since the magazine could not substantially modify its usual format, and they are aware that very many other friends and colleagues would have gladly joined this celebration, have tentillo opportunity.

Published: 20-01-1991
Frequency: Anual
