No. 6 (1989): Visigothic slates

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 6 (1989): Visigothic slates

Author and editor ask me for a few introductory words. It is not rhetorical if I say that it is an honor for me, thus being indebted to both. I certainly followed the realization of the origin of this book, which was Isabel Velazquez's doctoral thesis. I had frequent contacts with her, trying to complete from a historical point of view the priceless philological teaching of its first director, the mourning and kind D. Sebastián Mariner. From there, they moved on to a closer collaboration, as Isabel included herself in the small team of the research program "Sources for Spanish-Visigothic History and Civilization", sponsored by CICYT and coordinated by me. Finally, I had the honor and pleasure of being present, as a member of the court, in the most brilliant public defense of the doctoral thesis.

Published: 20-01-1989
Frequency: Anual